A Successful and Collaborative Team That Works Together

People often comment on how different it is working with EagleCliff Recruitment. Each of our recruitment consultants works within a niche market sector and is a specialist in their own technical field or business community.

Not only are they highly proficient in what they do best – accurately matching jobs with applicants and contractors – they are also extremely nice people to work with. Providing engaging and high-class recruitment services is our top priority, working in a transparent way with everything that we do.

Sniffing out the best talent!


CDO: Chief Dog Officer

Energy Trading Recruitment

Completed a 13000 ft Skydive!

Sophie Nickolls

Corporate Account Manager

Quants, Traders & ETRM

On the Bill as a Baby!

Alfie Law

Senior Recruitment Consultant

Change Management

Loves Music & Plays the Guitar

James Hodder

Senior Account Manager

Change Management

Qualified Vet!


Senior Recruitment Consultant

Tech Leads, Data Engineers & Developers

Performed at Royal Albert Hall!

Hannah Kelly

Senior Recruitment Consultant

Energy Trading Recruitment

Travelled SE Asia!

Joe Moore

Recruitment Consultant

Strategy & Corporate Road Map

Ice Skating Silver Medallist!

Carla Newton

Operations Director

Accounts, Contracts, GDPR, AWR & IR35

Loves 80’s Party Weekends!

Wendy Flegg

Operations Manager

Accounts & Finance

Loves Countryside walks!

Kara Barden

Operations Executive

Client Relationship Management

Loves Horses & Hockey!

Abbie Fernandes

Executive Account Manager

Accounts & Payroll

Professional Violin Player!

Dalma Gebe

Accounts Manager

Contracts & Compliance

Fluent in German!

Louise Willoughby

Contracts Manager

Corporate Tax, IT & Comms

Enjoys Yoga and Walks

Adrian Newton

Finance & IT Director

Website, Graphic Design & Marketing

Front Crawl Gold Medalist!

Zack Farrugia

Marketing Consultant

Accounts & Payroll

Crochet Master!

Amber Cooper

Accounts Officer

Looking for Talent or looking for New Career Opportunities?

Call Today: Send An Email or Respond to one of our Job Adverts: Your Refreshing Alternative!