A Successful and Collaborative Team That Works Together

People often comment on how different it is working with EagleCliff Recruitment. Each of our recruitment consultants works within a niche market sector and is a specialist in their own technical field or business community.

Not only are they highly proficient in what they do best – accurately matching jobs with applicants and contractors – they are also extremely nice people to work with. Providing engaging and high-class recruitment services is our top priority, working in a transparent way with everything that we do.

Sniffing out the best talent!


CDO: Chief Dog Officer

Energy Trading Recruitment

Completed a 13000 ft Skydive!

Sophie Nickolls

Corporate Account Manager

Quants, Traders & ETRM

Appeared on the Bill as a Baby!

Alfie Law

Senior Recruitment Consultant

Change Management

Loves Music & Plays the Guitar

James Hodder

Senior Account Manager

Change Management

Qualified Vet!

Meghan Saffery-Patel

Senior Recruitment Consultant

Tech Leads, Data Engineers & Developers

Performed at Royal Albert Hall!

Hannah Kelly

Senior Recruitment Consultant

Energy Trading Recruitment

Travelled South East Asia in 60 days!

Joe Moore

Recruitment Consultant

Strategy, Corporate Road Map, Company Branding

Ice Skating Silver Medallist!

Carla Newton

Operations Director

Accounts, Contracts, GDPR, AWR & IR35

Loves 80’s Party Weekends!

Wendy Flegg

Operations Manager

Accounts & Finance

Loves Countryside walks!

Kara Barden

Operations Executive

Client Relationship Management

Loves Horses & Hockey!

Abbie Fernandes

Executive Account Manager

Accounts & Payroll

Professional Violin Player!

Dalma Gebe

Accounts Manager

Contracts & Compliance

Fluent in German!

Louise Willoughby

Contracts Manager

Accounts & Payroll

Crochet Master!

Amber Cooper

Accounts Officer

Corporate Tax, Company Returns, IT & Comms

Enjoys Yoga and Walks

Adrian Newton

Finance & IT Director

Website, Creative Graphic Design & Marketing

Front Crawl Gold Medalist!

Zack Farrugia

Marketing Consultant

Looking for Talent or looking for New Career Opportunities?

Call Today: Send An Email or Respond to one of our Job Adverts: Your Refreshing Alternative!